Financial information

(Click to view)

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR 2023-2024

Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2023-2024

Annual Internal Audit Report AGAR 2023-2024

Expenditure over £100 exclusive of VAT

Analysis of Variances 2023-2024 versus 2022-2023

Annual Governance Statement AGAR 2023-2024 Section 1

Accounting Statements AGAR 2023-2024 Section 2

Annual Bank Reconciliation 2023-2024

Annual Accounts 2023-2024 versus Budget and Annual Accounts 2022-2023

Summary of Receipts and Payments 2023-2024


Risk Assessment and Management approved February 2024

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR 2022-2023

Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2022-2023

Annual Internal Audit Report AGAR 2022-2023

Annual Bank reconciliation 2022-2023

Analysis of Variances 2022-2023 vs 2021-2022

Annual Governance Statement AGAR 2022-2023 Section 1

Accounting Statements AGAR 2022-2023 Section 2

Expenditure over £100 2022-2023

Risk Assessment and Management approved February 2023

Financial Regulations October 2022


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR 2021-2022

Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2021-2022

Annual Internal Audit Report AGAR 2021-2022

Annual Bank reconciliation 2021-2022

Analysis of Variances 2021-2022 vs 2020-2021

Annual Governance Statement AGAR 2021-2022 Section 1

Accounting Statements AGAR 2021-2022 Section 2

Expenditure over £100 2021-2022

Risk Assessment and Management approved February 2022

Financial Regulations adopted October 2021


Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2020-2021

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR 2020-2021

Annual Bank reconciliation 2020-2021

Analysis of Variances 2020-2021 vs 2019-2020

Accounting Statements AGAR 2020-2021 Section 2

Annual Governance Statement AGAR 2020-2021 Section 1

Annual Internal Audit Report 2020-2021

Expenditure over £100 - 2020-2021